1. Sergeant Slaughter vs. Ric Flair--by DQ; JIP, last 4 min. of match (Boris Zuchoff runs in to cause the DQ).
2. Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes--by DQ, JIP, last 5 min. of match (Baby Doll turns on Dusty and joins the Horsemen); solid interview with Flair after.
3. Ric Flair vs. "Hands of Stone" Ron Garvin; these guys chop the hell out of each other. Very physical.
4. Barry Windham vs. Ric Flair--by DQ; impromptu match with the rest of the Horsemen, Dusty Rhodes, and the Rock’n’Roll Express all at ringside. Great heat!
5. Ric Flair vs. Barry Windham (from the 1988 Crockett Cup)
6. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat wins the NWA World Heavyweight Championship from Ric Flair. Tape quality very good; very minor tracking problems.
7. Ric Flair wins the NWA World Heavyweight Championship from Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat (Terry Funk piledrives Flair through a table after the match). Tape quality very good; very minor tracking problems.
8. Ric Flair vs. Terry Funk ("I Quit" Match). An extremely intense match with lots of pride on the line. Tape quality very good; very minor tracking problems.
9. Ric Flair vs. Sting--45 minute draw (from the very first "Clash of the Champions"; outstanding match! Both wrestlers demonstrate superb ring maturity and psychology.)
10. Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes--by DQ (from the 1987 Crockett Cup)
11. Ric Flair vs. Sting--no contest (Sting refuses to let Flair out of the Scorpion Death Lock; post-match interviews with both Sting and Flair. Flair actually makes himself bleed in his interview!)
12. Ric Flair vs. Nikita Koloff--by DQ (from the 1989 Crockett Cup)
13. Ric Flair and Lex Luger vs. Ron and Jimmy Garvin--by DQ (Very solid tag team match that eventually leads too Flair’s "Dream Date" with Precious and a rivalry with both Garvin brothers).
14. Ric Flair vs. "Gorgeous" Jimmy Garvin (Steel Cage Match; Ric Flair wins a "Dream Date" with Precious).
15. The "Dream Date" with Ric Flair and Precious (actually Ronnie Garvin!) Also, solid interviews with the Garvins, Precious, Flair and J.J. Dillion. Funny stuff.
16. Ric Flair vs. Rick Steamboat (Best 2/3 Falls Match); Flair and "The Dragon" battle in an epic 55 minute classic! These two grapplers truly show what it means to "work" a 55 minute match and exemplify what professional wrestling is all about. Phenomenal, phenomenal effort by both athletes. (From Clash of the Champions VI)
17. Ric Flair cuts an extraordinary promo on the final episode of WCW Nitro just after WWFE purchased WCW. Ric Flair vs. Sting in what is likely their final match.